Thursday, November 11, 2010

Back in the US

Well, I gave up fighting with the signal in El Salvador and so I haven't posted any pictures, but I'm back in the US for now and I'm going to try again. I had a wonderful trip. I learned a lot and God blessed my trip in a lot of ways. I am very sad that I had to leave my children behind. I was tempted to pack them up in my suitcases and bring them with me! They all learned so much; I'm so proud of them. I think they enjoyed themselves as much as I did and most of them asked when I was coming back. We really got to know each other and they always made sure to greet me when they saw me in town.

We had a fun little closing ceremony for the parents. The children used their English, sang, and said their Bible verses. They wanted to sing every single song that they learned with us. Some of the children decided to be shy, but the parents seemed to enjoy it. I got quite a lot of hugs and kisses from the children and the parents. I am really missing "my children" right now and all the funny things they say and do.

The church in Meanguera was very supportive. They organized the last prayer service before I left so everyone could be together and come and say goodbye to me. So many people came! It was really cool to see their love and support in that way. It's been so fun to experience the family of God this way and to see how God's family reaches across countries and cultures. The church gave me permission to go back to the US and visit for a short time, but then I have to come back. I certainly am not arguing. : ) I feel like I have left my family and my country behind.

Please continue to pray for the children, their families, for Meanguera and the church, and for the future projects there. I cannot thank you all enough for your love and your support. It means so much to me and has been a huge encouragement. I could not do this without you all!

Brayan and Melvin found their snack very amusing.

We are missing a few children here. I am on the left holding Brayan, then comes Joselin, Juan, Sandra in the green shirt with Guillermo and Iseyda, next to her is Melvin, Alison, Fabian, Madelyn, Glenda is on the right with Kember and Madelin, and finally Abilio is seated in front of everyone.

We were practicing for our last day and I'm not even sure what they are doing and how they all wound up like this at once. :)

Singing for the parents.

Veronica modeling for her picture.

Giving out clothes at Kember's house.

Kember got so excited that he climbed into the bag!

Organizing clothes to hand out in Soledad. I had lots of help!

The children playing horses and "sleeping."
Singing with the children. Kember, Madelyn, and Fabian are really getting into it. :)